Eurofins Acquires Ascend Clinical Details

CONTINUUM: Two Divisions, One Strength

Ascend Clinical and Transplant Genomics are two unique divisions of Eurofins which have come together to offer a powerful program: CONTINUUM.


Benefits to Nephrologists

Eurofins Transplant Genomics and Ascend Clinical work together to ensure patients receive the care they need. They improve access to care, making it fair for everyone, without adding extra costs to the healthcare system.


Leaders in providing post-transplant biomarker profiling and standard lab testing.





CONTINUUM Laboratory Panels

The program provides a comprehensive range of testing and mobile phlebotomy to increase access and care compliance.

Routine Testing

  1. CBC with Diff
  2. Renal Function
  3. Lipid
  4. Fasting Glucose
  5. Amylase/Lipase
  6. Magnesium
  7. Urine Analysis
  8. Urine Protein/Creatinine Ratio
  9. CMV
  10. BK (blood and urine)
  11. DSA
  12. And more….

Post-Transplant Biomarkers

  1. TRAC ID
  2. TRAC ddcf-DNA
  3. TruGraf Gene Expression

Medication Levels

  1. Tacrolimus
  2. Sirolimus
  3. Cyclosporine

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